a. Conformity: changes in perceptions, options or behaviors in way that are consistent with group norms.
b. Rules we have of conduct in a given context
c. Person Space Norm- people uncomfortable being too close
d. Do you really mean it?
d.i. Private acceptance: comfortable because you honestly believe what others are doing is right.
d.ii. Public compliance: conforming without believing in the correctness of others in the group.
B. ***** Social Influence
a. Allowing other to influence how we see and understands the world around us.
b. **** 1973 Study: Autokinetie effect
b.i. In a completely dark room with not fra of reference to a **** point appears to move
b.ii. Alone participants give wide** variety of results.
b.iii. In a group, participants hear others estimates influencing how they respond until they can merge? Together.
b.iv. Maunipated by a *** even after ** left
C. When do people conform to informal social influence
a. When they don’t know how to act (Ambigous Situation)
b. Crisis
c. Whenever someone knows more than them
D. *** Psychogenic illness
a. A group of peple show similar symptoms
b. How does it happen
b.i. Excessive stress can “make” symptoms
b.ii. Symptoms can be vague, open to interpretations
b.iii. Conformity and information influence
E. Normative Social Influence
a. Influence due to the fears of negative
b. Asch 1955 study on Normative Social Influence
b.i. Can people be influenced o deny reality
b.ii. 6-8 participants just length of lines
b.iii. Ones was obviously correct (90% of the time)
b.iv. 2-3 participants were confederates giving wrong responses.
b.v. 50% to 80% participants yield at least once.
b.vi. Groups fewer than 3 brings down conformity likelihood
b.vii. An ally agrees with you
F. *****
G. When we don’t conform?
a. When social or normative influence is low, people my engage in reactance
a.i. Feel control is threatened
a.ii. Behave