GEOGRAPHICAL MAP OF NEPAL In the national development, women play vital role, male dominated country females are considered low standard and of less value. Literacy rate differs vastly. 42.5 percent women are literate and where 65.1 percent men are literate. According to the CBS report, 2001.
But in recent years people have started realizing the importance of women role and participation in the economy as well as social and developmental activities. So without women participation development goals can not be fully attained. Therefore we can say that men and F women are two pillars of the development.
In recent world scenario, women have been actively participating in the political and social aspect. The voice of equality for men and women was raised first in the western countries, after the analytical revolution the women of these countries demanded equal rights for them.
Nepal is a multi language, multi culture, multi religion, and multi parti system country. There are many language and many culture but they believe in every language and culture each other.
Tourism is about the movement of people. Tourists are the outside who travel away from their usual environment. They are from different countries, culture, tradition and interest. Therefore, every tourist brings his own culture with him/her and there is a meeting of more than two cultures in tourism. Since, tourism is the hospitality or service industry, we