Australian society
By Ella Hargreaves
1.0 Figueroa’s Framework
An Individual’s access to exercise, sport and physical activity in Australian society can be influenced in the ways demonstrated by theories like Figueroa’s Framework.
Equity and Equality are two major components that can also affect an individual and their amount of participation in physical activity. Figueroa’s Framework is constructed along five different levels specific to factors that influence levels of participation in physical activity according to Figueroa’s theories. These include; cultural, structural, institutional, interpersonal and individual levels.
Each level can be applied in some form to any individual’s life, no matter what lifestyle or attitude to physical activities. The factors within each of the five components of Figueroa’s framework include how different sports can be affected by the media, religion, values, beliefs, team mates, parents, friends, family, coaches and more. These factors not only affect how involved an individual is in their physical activity, but also what sports they play and the level they play at. Figueroa’s
Framework is not only a module of most people’s sporting lifestyles, but it shows what levels each person can be affected at; cultural, structural, institutional, interpersonal and individual levels.
1.1 The Interpersonal level
Many factors influence the selection of physical activities from an interpersonal level for any subject involved with physical activity. In my own personal life, the interpersonal level is a foremost aspect when doing physical activity, exercise or sport. Access and opportunities created at the interpersonal level include; relationships and interactions with parents, siblings, coaches/teachers and friends/peers. Also included is interactions and observation of the media and spectators. The relationships between a range of the access
Bibliography: Kirk, D. (2002). A-Level Physical Education: The reflective performer. Retrieved October 31, 2012, from Google Books: Retrieved October 31, 2012, from issuu: Michael Kiss, T. K. (2010). Step Forward-Senior physical education for Queensland. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.