Over the past couple of decades, the United States adult population has become much heavier. Since 1987 through 2007, the adult population of obese or overweight people increased from 44 percent to 63 percent. This being said almost two-thirds of our adult population now falls into either the obese or overweight category. With this major increase in adults being obese or overweight is causing a major health challenge. These kinds of issues can cause many serious health illnesses, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Direct medical spending on diagnosis and treatment of these illnesses are likely to increase with the rising obesity levels.…
Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness.…
Obesity is becoming a major worldwide epidemic that is a chronic disease which affects everyone young and old, male and female alike. The exact cause is still unknown and scientists are still trying to understand what triggers it. One cause is that in today’s fast paced world, people do not have time to sit down to home cooked meals, or exercise and really take good care of their heath. Fast food restaurants are replacing the home cooked meals and providing bigger portions on their menus and people not finding time to exercise. Instead, they choose to sit down and watch movies at home or surf the net as a source of entertainment due to economic reasons. Children are playing video games instead of playing sports or riding bikes (Obesity in America: What’s driving the epidemic?, 2012. 02). This is becoming a harmful trend which is contributing to the rise of chronic diseases. Obesity does not discriminate and studies over the years have found that there is a significant difference in obesity by ethnicity and race and it differs by sex and age. Obesity is a major contributor of heart disease, cancer, liver and gallbladder diseases, sleep apnea and respiratory issues, depression, infertility, erectile dysfunction and mental health conditions (Jacobson, 2000).…
With more than 60% of the U.S. adult population overweight and 25% of those considered obese, it is important to understand the obesity epidemic and the serious effects it has on health.…
The rising rate of obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is now one of the most serious…
2. Health-related physical fitness includes three fundamental components, cardiorespiratory or aerobic fitness, musculoskeletal or muscular fitness, and body composition. Cardiorespiratory fitness lowers risk of dying prematurely, especially from heart disease and stroke. Musculoskeletal fitness increases bone density, muscle mass, and joint health and thereby lowers the risk of osteoporosis, low back pain, and degenerative joint condition. Maintenance of healthy weight (body composition) through physical activity and good nutrition protects against obesity, diabetes, and related diseases including heart disease, arthritis, and some cancers.…
Conferring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010), one-third of American adults suffer from obesity, a chronic condition characterized by excess body fat. This paper will discuss obesity and what it is. Also focusing on the causes of obesity and the health issues linked with obesity. As well as incorporating who is responsible for obesity and identifying how obesity can be treated or prevented.…
Health care organizations in partnership with government agencies admit that the obesity epidemic in America is out of control and requires intervention to address causes for obesity, and solutions to correct this problem. The obesity epidemic in America raises health concerns for citizens suffering from obesity because unhealthy body weight causes other health problems. Health care providers believe that community and environmental factors causes people to eat unhealthy foods, which place those individuals at risk for chronic health conditions. Many people believe that “Obesity is almost always due to a combination of genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and environment” (Arial, Newell, Silvey, & Zlot, 2007, p. 1). Health problems associated with obesity include high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, depression, asthma, and high cholesterol. The consequences of obesity lead to chronic health conditions, and premature death, which reduces the quality of life for some obese people. The media, health care providers, and the government awareness actions raise attention to the epidemic by informing the public of obesity problems via television, e-mail, and billboard advertisements. Health care providers offer health/wellness programs to encourage parents to join the battle against childhood obesity, adult obesity. The design of intervention exists to eliminate and resolve problems, however; “The intensity of interventions required to treat obesity is likely to vary among individuals” (Arial, Newell, Silvey, & Zlot, 2007, p. 1).…
Obesity in America is a subject of concern that is getting as big as peoples waste-lines. It affects many Americans on a daily basis, and also affects the way people interact with others. It is an unhealthy trend with a rapid growth rate, quickly consuming many lives. The problem must be fixed for a more happy and healthy life. In order to fix it, the issue of obesity must first be understood, and then controlled at the state it's at, and finally it must be prevented from continually occurring.…
Obesity, a medical condition in which excess body fat can grow to have a negative effect on the human body and cause long term health problems, affects more than 35 percent of adults along with 17 percent of adolescents (“How many people are affected by/at risk for obesity & overweight”). America is one of many obese countries all over the world. It is an enfeeble health condition that can lead to respiratory problems, Type two diabetes, Gallbladder disease, Stroke/heart attack, Osteoarthritis, and can even result in some forms of cancer ("Obesity - Health Risks of Obesity"). According to National Center for Health Statistics, obesity has grown significantly among adults in the United States over the past twenty years. For many reasons, it is bad enough to have to live with this disorder, but the fact that it is life threatening only makes matters worse. Obesity is affecting a significant amount of people and it has just now became an issue in 2013, little was known about the idea of being extremely overweight but as America becomes more and more advanced everything starts to change.…
Obesity in the United States of America has been rising at dramatic levels over the past two decades, to the point where it has been labeled as an epidemic by public health officials. The problem seems to be accelerating with each passing year and decade, and it is building enough momentum to be a true public health catastrophe. According to the Get America Fit Foundation (GAFF), the problem is truly an epidemic on a massive scale when you consider there are 58 million overweight people in America. Even more alarming is the fact that nearly 40 million of those people can be classified as obese, and three million are considered morbidly obese (which is having a Body Mass Index higher than 40).…
Obesity in America is on the rise now, with 72-million people contributing to this new “epidemic.” People need to start taking care of their bodies or they could possibly lose their lives to the leading cause of death in America—heart disease. Believe it or not, this epidemic isn’t just effecting the human population. Twenty-five percent of cats and dogs are now heavier than they should be. With excess weight usually comes many kinds of physiological, behavioral, social, environmental and economic problems. Childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled since the 1980’s, and current research shows that almost one-third of children over two years of age are already overweight or obese ("Obesity In America: What 's Driving The Epidemic."). To put a stop to this epidemic, we need a solution that goes far beyond simply eating less. This obesity epidemic is responsible for more than one hundred sixty-thousand additional deaths each year in America now. Currently, 72% of men and 63% of women are overweight (White).…
Obesity is a complex, multifactorial, and chronic disease that requires a comprehensive medical approach to care. It is the second leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., and is associated with a large number of co-morbid conditions. Care should therefore not be seen as simply having the goal of reducing body weight, but should additionally be focused on improving overall health and quality of life.…
As so often happens, many people in the world face obesity problems. Obesity is a…
In the United States, obesity has become one of the most prevalent and prominent issues. Currently, various organizations had classified obesity as a major public health concern, affecting a large number of the American populace. As such, it has been considered a national epidemic. Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the National Institutes of Health suggest that two-thirds of adults are considered overweight/obese while one-third of adults are considered obese. In addition, obesity has been shown to have numerous effects on one's health as well as a significant effect the economy. In the U.S., $190.2 billion is spent on obesity-related illnesses (Cawley, 2012), annually. This number will continue to rise in later years, as well as the number of Americans with obesity.…