A lot of the time, I second guess myself and do not go with my instincts. I struggle with voicing my opinions or ideas due to the anxiety of being wrong. The fear is what holds me back most pf the time and it is what makes me a reserved person. I would rather be an observer or listener rather than the doer, due to being scared to fail. I believe this is a great weakness I struggle with and have come to recently notice the effects it will have on my future career. In this field, I need to become the person who takes action, not just someone who sits back and observes. I will be providing care to patients who need me to do everything I can to help them. I need to realize that I will fail at times in this career field, but I need to accept it as a learning experience and not classify it as a failure. I need to become more confident in my set of skills in order for the patient to feel confident and comfortable with me. This is an attribute I am continuing progress with in order to make my confidence into a …show more content…
In the past, I was horrible at receiving any type of criticism or feedback about anything about myself. I use to feel like it was an overall disapproval of me personally, and I would look at myself and actions in a negative way which brought me down. However, growing up and being exposed to more types of criticism is what has slowly progressed this weakness into a strength. Now I believe that constructive criticism is important for everyday life and provides feedback in order to help an individual understand their mistakes for future reference. This will play a huge role in my profession as a PTA. There will be several times I will receive criticism whether it comes from PTs, colleagues, other disciplines, or even patients. Even if it is not explained in a positive way, it will still be important to take in that information and reflect it on your performance and what you can