VOL 20 NO 157 REGD NO DA 1589 | Dhaka, Friday, July 26 2013 | -------------------------------------------------
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Physically challenged but not disabled: The issue of human rightsPublished : Friday, 26 July 2013 By defining disability as a problem of medical intervention, individuals, societies and governments avoid the responsibility of addressing the human rights issue writes M S Siddiqui
Everyone is different in respect of his/her colour, gender, ethnicity, size, shape, or anything else but equal in the eye of law. The law by way of constitutional rights treats all citizens alike, including those who are physically impaired.
A psycho-social disability or intellectual disability, may affect the way people think, feel, or process information. Regardless of its characteristics, disability neither subtracts from nor adds to a person's humanity, value or rights. People with disabilities have the same rights as all other people. However, for a number of reasons they often face social, legal and practical barriers in claiming their human rights on an equal basis with others. These reasons commonly stem from misperceptions and negative attitudes toward disability. In most societies disabled people are viewed as helpless, dependent, and hence burdensome as tragic victims of fate.This attitude appears to lack the sensitivity to some of the real issues faced by disabled people. Another major misperception is that people with disabilities need pity from the society. It is much easier for people to offer pity and charity than to address the fear or discomfort the disabled face in running their daily life.
Needless to say, persons with disabilities often face serious discrimination based on attitudes, perceptions, misunderstandings, and lack of awareness. For example, the misconception that people with disabilities cannot be