My support on this claim it is from America Public University at it is saying that our society tells you that it is wrong to take your own life that it is up to God that your body does not belong to you.
My Respond: I cannot imagine myself taking someone life because I am a very strong believer in God, but in life in general that I believe that when God is ready for us to die, we die. So my argument is that we should take someone life.
2. My second claim is Physician assisted suicide why should it be wrong to take a life
My support on this claim it is from Physician-assisted Suicide: The Wrong Approach to End of Life Care by Michael Gloth, lll. M D his argument “The goal of this article is to provide information on physician-assisted suicide drawn from clinical and public policy experience. Arguments on both sides of the public debate are presented, and it will be shown that as a matter of morality, medicine and public policy, physician-assisted suicide is the wrong approach to end of life care. Current public policy efforts to improve the care given to terminally ill patients will also be examined.” (F.Michael Gloth, 2011)
My Respond: On the either side the right or wrong those people have terminally ill that a person has to the right to choose to take their life or not but, my opinion is that it is still wrong to take your life. 3. Physician assisted should it be legalized
My support on this claim it is assisted suicide a right way or wrong way By Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez “Supporters of legislation legalizing assisted suicide claim that all persons have a moral right to choose freely what they will do with their lives as long as they inflict no harm on others. This right of free choice includes the right to end one 's life when we choose. For most
References: (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2012, from F.Michael Gloth, 1. (2011, May 21). Physician-assisted Suicide: The Wrong Approach to End of Life Care. Retrieved from Physician-assisted Suicide: The Wrong Approach to End of Life Care Velasquez, C. A. (2012, May 3). Assisted Suicide:. Retrieved from