What’s Physics?
Unit 1
Aim: To make an introduction to Physics, definitions and method. Teaching objectives
I want to teach
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson students should be able
To introduce them to the Physics. To differentiate physical and chemical changes. To explain the scientific method. To distinguish different parts of Physics (mechanics, statics, kinematics, dynamics).
To know Physics aims. To define physical and chemical changes. To know the steps of the scientific method.
To describe phenomena. To encourage critical thinking. To relate an image to its description. To provide opportunities to develop a variety of skills.
To describe and classify phenomena. To compare and synthesise visual and written skills. To work in groups effectively. To problem-solve collaboratively.
To use ‘perhaps’ or ‘maybe’ to make hypotheses. To write definitions and conclusions. To explain why changes happen. To use language of cause and effect.
To explain phenomena using scientific vocabulary. To use new vocabulary in context.
To relate physics to life changes. To study daily life changes. To recognise the contribution of scientists in physics.
To identify physical changes in their daily routine. To search for information using different sources. To write biographies. To be aware of the relevance of scientific thinking.
Tasks planned and timing
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Power Point to introduce the subject: what it is about, the explanation of the topics and some examples. Students will be provided with a handout with their tasks. There will be some different kinds of exercises: working in pairs, matching pictures with a sentence, filling gaps, plenary to discuss conclusions Homework: some exercises of the handout to clarify new concepts or do some research on their own.
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For the