Design Innovation Workshop,
you ever imagined how the street lights are turned on in the evening and they automa4cally go off in the morning? Is there someone who comes early in the morning to turn off these lights? Or imagine a situa4on when there is a power cut and you are searching for candles and match s4cks and another situa4on when a=er a power cut your lamp glows automa4cally. The following circuit based project can help to make your own automa4c night lamp. When the circuit is taken into light,
the resistance of LDR decreases due to which the base voltage decreases. The voltage becomes so low that the base emiGer junc4on is not forward biased due to which the transistor turns OFF. Hence, the LED doesn’t glow. On the contrary, when the circuit is taken into dark, the resistance of LDR decreases, due to which the base voltage increases and a point comes when the base emiGer junc4on gets forward biased. As a result, the transistor turns ON making the LED glow.
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You may refer to this video: Automa3c Night Lamp
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CoolJunk is an innova4ve educa4onal products company with focus on project-‐based learning in science, engineering and technology. Having 20,000 customers in India,