“Determining the period of a pendulum”
Name: Fei Huo
Date performed: October 1st, 2014
Period 5
Teacher: Mr. Glasel
The Purpose of this Lab was so that my classmates and I can examine what kind of factors affect the period of a pendulum.
In a simple form, the pendulum is a weight hung from a long string that Galileo discovered that it can be used to track the passage of time very accurately around 400 years ago. In this lab my classmates and I are using the pendulum to determine the value of the accelerations of any object due to gravity.
1) First, you measure the string on the pendulum at 1.0m (meters) long and measure from the pivot point to the center of the mass by using the protractor.
2) Then, displace the bob string to an angle of 20 degrees from its resting position and measure the time required for the bob to complete 20 complete cycles swinging back and forth with the stop watch provide (repeat this process for the pendulum lengths of 0.80m, 0.60m, 0.40m, and 0.20m and keep all other factors constant).
3) Third, record all the data that you got into Table 1.
4) Forth, measure the string at 0.50m and always displace the bob 20 degrees.
5) Fifth, Measure the amount of time to complete 20 swings for the different mass bobs (aluminum, steel, brass, lead, and wood).
6) After when you completed step 5, record the data into Table 2. Sixth, start the bob displaced at 30 degrees and measure the amount of time to complete 20 complete cycles; repeat this procedure for an arc of swing of 25 degrees, 20 degrees, 15 degrees, and 10 degrees.
7) Finally, answer the questions.
Data Tables #1:
Length (m)
Time for 20 cycles(s)
T=Period (s)
39 s
1.95 s
35 s
1.75 s
31 s
1.55 s
25 s
1.25 s
19 s
0.95 s
Data Table #3:
Arc of swing ()
Time for 20 cycles (s)
28 s
1.4 s
28 s