Phytochemicals in Garlic
Active Compounds Types of Preparation Potential Health Benefits Side Effects
Phytochemicals in Garlic
Phytochemicals are “compounds found in plant-derived foods that have biological activity in the body” (Whitney and Rofles 469). They are classified as non-nutrients. They are found in fruits and vegetables, whole grain and nuts. Phytochemicals are responsible for taste, Aroma and color of plant food. Thousands of phytochemicals have been discovered and research is still on-going on a lot more. These pytochemicals have been grouped according to source and possible health benefits. These groupings include: Flavanoids, Carotenoids, Isothiocynates, Indoles, Organosulphurs, Phenolic acids, and Phytic acids, Saponins, Tannins, Phtyoestrogens, Curcumin, Monoterpenes, Alkylresorcinols, Capsaicin, Resveratrol, Lignans and Protease Inhibitors (Whitney and Rofles 471). Phytochemicals have been discovered to produce profound physiological effects in the body. Numerous researches have found out they act as antioxidants and aid in suppressing a number of diseases. People are encouraged to consume phytochemicals in organic foods rather than synthetic ones. This papers discusses garlic, one of the common vegetables researchers have shown contains a lot of phytochemicals with promises of many health benefits.
Cultivated Garlic (scientifically Allium Sativum, common names, Stinking Rose or Poor Man’s Treale) belongs the lily family or bulb shaped plants that also include Onion, Chives, Leeks and Shallots. Mature garlic is tough with white leaves enclosing internal cloves. For many generations, garlic has been used for flavoring food and medicinal purposes. In recent times, it has gained scientists attention due to many potential health benefits it exhibits. Active
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