- Starting a newsletter and creating a template of what we want to include in our letter.
- Establishing initiatives that will maintain and peak interest from our alumni class. Especially those who are no longer in the area. We want to keep them involved in Phi Delta Chi rather it be our chapter or a local chapter in their area of residence.
- We have a large database on hand with brothers in the local area we have reached out to in the past that have worked with us.
- Majority of our alumni class were very active as collegiate brothers and still actively want to participate.
To make our brothers feel more involved and active in PDC we plan to have 1-3 webinars/dinners with our alumni brothers. …show more content…
The brick will give recognition to our brothers and future brothers. Brick roads are a staple piece in the Fort Worth area and are often seen all throughout downtown and the arts district where our campus is located. They are constantly being maintained and replaced by the city because they symbolic in the city’s history, just like our first alumni class. To notify our brothers of upcoming events we will publish a monthly newsletter. Which will consist of a spotlight alumni, all upcoming and past events, history refresher of Phi Delta Chi’s history and news from nationals. We plan to send our newsletter to not only our alumni class but 20 new local brothers every month to help encourage their involvement.
Host one annual social for brothers in the area as a meet and greet. This could be considered a homecoming for our chapter and allow for phi delta chi brothers in the area to meet on a smaller scale.
Start a mentorship program with a local alumni and chapter brothers. Where they will meet at least 2 times a month. The purpose of this is to gain insight in the current field of pharmacy and what is changing for the future field, instill brotherhood, and networking