Pierre heard this news and instantly wrote a letter to President Washington, asking to be in charge of designing the city. Although, to his disappointment the capital city was put on hold until about eleven years later until 1790, it took a while because Congress had to iron out more of the details concerning the upcoming city. After the decision to set the city on the shores of the Potomac River, President Washington told Pierre that he was in charge of designing the city under the supervision of three …show more content…
Andrew told the commissioners that Pierre had not been about to have the city place and that Pierre had refused to show Andrew the original plan for the city. Andrew then got help from his brother, and they changed the plan that Pierre had created, ignoring his protest. Then with Secretary Jefferson growing increasingly frustrated with Pierre’s stubbornness and selfish ways, they fired him from continuing his work. He was initially not paid for his work on his plan for the Federal City which mad him very angry. He fell into some issues financially, so he spent much of his remaining years trying to convince Congress to give him his money that he insisted they owed him. After continual plead for the money from Pierre, Congress finally paid him a small portion that they owed him, but most of that money ended up going to his