After snatching Piggy's glasses, the boys created a fire using the wood and leaves that they collected in a pile. At first, the fire was meant to create smoke so that the boys could signal a ship for help. Then it started to become a wildfire once the boys could not control the fire and were excited "at the power set free below them." (44) At first, the fire was meant for a good purpose but grew into something the boys did not plan for in the beginning. Destruction. I say beginning because when near the end of the book, Jack and his hunters decide to use the fire as a way of getting Ralph out of the forest so that they could basically kill him. "The fire was a big one and the drum-roll that he thought was left so far behind was nearer." (197) Ralph thought the destruction that the fire would cause would be over, but it ended up making a reappearance near the end of the
After snatching Piggy's glasses, the boys created a fire using the wood and leaves that they collected in a pile. At first, the fire was meant to create smoke so that the boys could signal a ship for help. Then it started to become a wildfire once the boys could not control the fire and were excited "at the power set free below them." (44) At first, the fire was meant for a good purpose but grew into something the boys did not plan for in the beginning. Destruction. I say beginning because when near the end of the book, Jack and his hunters decide to use the fire as a way of getting Ralph out of the forest so that they could basically kill him. "The fire was a big one and the drum-roll that he thought was left so far behind was nearer." (197) Ralph thought the destruction that the fire would cause would be over, but it ended up making a reappearance near the end of the