wants to take everything away from piggy, also he doesn’t like piggy, piggy step dad also don’t like him. Piggy is a quiet kid that don’t want to talk or don’t like to talk to anyone. He is always been lonely. And it's been 5 years, and the age is like now piggy get to go to school, he went to school get no friends to talk to. But that day he met with that kid, that kid is naughty, and her name is fatty. By that time they are friends. But fatty always respects him and do everything piggy ask him to do. And now everyone says piggy is smart and everyone was talk about him he is smart, when sunny heard, he doesn’t like it, and by that day sunny run away. Nobody knows where he is.
It been ¾ day sunny didn’t come back.
Piggy try go search him at the place that no one one had go through. And then he saw sunny there, no one know Sonny been there and made up the spelling that everythings will fell on him, and be on his side. And he hides it around that place, and no one know what is that place call. When sunny come back to town, it been a fews days then everyone was so strange, and then everyone was are like Piggy! Get out of this town. Piggy don’t like to talk so he gets up and get out of the town, when he goes back home, and he saw and heard his parents was talk about him that piggy is not kid or he not your kids or who should be left him, like those stuff and then when piggy heard, piggy directly get out up the town, but piggy grandma saw him, when he looks at his grandma his eyes were full of his tear and fear, but he doesn’t go to his grandma he suddenly run off the town. When he ran halfway, fatty saw him and fatty go after him. Piggy really need help and cry and laying on the ground and then fatty go by him and ask are you okay, and piggy said nothing, by that time it been one month piggy really need help, when he and fatty talk a walk they saw Sacco, Sacco is the person graduate from confu. They might him and Sacco ask piggy everything, and piggy tell him everything's and said you need to rip off the strangest place. And fatty and piggy ask what is that mean. Sacco knew everything and said the place where you get your brother last time. And then …show more content…
piggy remember it, but first piggy need to learn confu so he still with Sacco about a few months to learn confu.
But piggy was mad, when he knew his brother was like that, and he suddenly gets up and gonna go back to land and tell everyone about that.
But fatty stop him, fatty try to stop him try to understand him. Fatty said to him think again piggy, if you go back to town you will make more trouble, don’t you remember when you didn’t get out the town everyone was like. And then piggy call himself and try to learn confu. Piggy think about what he did before when he with his friend and have fun with their friends. But when he remembered his mom and step dad talk about him that is the point that is hurt him the most. And he thinks about that, he don't doesn't pass the class is because he gives his work to him friend and he loves his friend so he let them pass the grade and graduate and his brother, he only have one brother and he really loves him, he never thought up that his brother will be like that to him. But now he knows it so he really hates his brother and said you and me one of us must die. Since he taught himself, with Sacco, then he had learning manything from him. But he thinks about the place where he gets his brother at, and he curious about it. When he goes back to that place, he hadn’t seen that place so he can’t break the spelling by that time. They come back again, and the next day they get ready for their trip. When they didn’t go, piggy friend money coming to him and go with him, but he is
First, since they saw each other they introduce their self again, and they start talk about helping their people. And then they start to going back to town, but when they didn’t get to town yet, monkey stolen something from Piggy. But fatty saw that, but fatty was sleepy but kinda awake little. And the same night Monkey try to escape but he can’t, it almost day time. But still he escapes, and when everyone wake up, they didn’t see him so they go find him, and they saw monkey at river side. When money saw them, he was shock and try to run away, and then fatty get the book that monkey had stolen, and then monkey try to run as fast as possible but can’t get away from Piggy. He is now on piggy hand and then they fight, piggy was get mad and didn’t know what he did, suddenly he had kill the monkey. And another person had see that piggy kill the money, and then he ran back and tell people in the town. When piggy and fatty get to town, everyone was start anger and yelling at them and was shouting and yell to them that to get out of here. Then sunny coming, and say to piggy, do you know what you did?. Sunny didn’t watch his mouth and directly shout it out you must have to get out of here, and never again. And everyone was yah!!!.