Many factors affect a policy and whether it can be implemented, as said by Buse et al. (2012, p. 9), "actors are influenced (as individuals or members of groups or organisations) by the context within which they live and work; context is affected by many factors such as instability or ideology, by history and culture; and the process of policy making". If we consider the health policy triangle, context plays a vital role, but is also influenced or inter related to other factors that can affect a policy such as content and process. Contextual factors that can affect the SSBs tax will be discussed under the following relevant headings; situational factors, structural factors and cultural factors.
Situational factors …show more content…
2). Granted that the consumption of SSBs does have a slow occurring negative effect, it is not immediately evident upon consumption, therefore based on the opinion of the authors of this assignment it can be considered a Pigovian tax.
As proposed by the SWEET-Act-Bill, one of the purposes of the act is “to diminish the human and 12 economic costs of diabetes, obesity, dental caries, and 13 other diet-related health conditions” (Delauro, 2014, p. 8). However the costs are diminished specifically through the discouraging of over-consumption of SSBs.
Social …show more content…
Some of these unknown facts with regard to health and SSBs could include the amount of sugar as said in the SWEET-Act-Bill, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars” (DeLauro, 2014, p. 5), although it is recommended that we only consume maximum nine teaspoons of sugar a day. In addition, educational background does have an effect on the consumption of these beverages as well as obesity rates (Public Health Law Center,