Pilgrimage of Grace was a protest whereas the marchers opposed the doings and new governmental policies of Thomas Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell, after the Act of...…
The pilgrimage of grace had been arguably the biggest challenge to the Tudor monarch, with forces over 30,000 men. Source W suggests that the pilgrimage of grace had ‘enough support to take control of the north of England,’ the size of the rebellion posed a dangerous challenge to the monarch and the state as they had not been able to provide an army at equal size and ability to fight and supress the rebels. Source V suggests that the other rebellions may have been unsuccessful due to the failure of raising a large army; ‘unlike the pilgrimage of grace’ this suggests that the size of the rebellion posed a dangerous challenge to the monarch and the state. Unlike the other rebellions, the pilgrimage of grace had been able to capture a important castle at Pontefract, armed with about 300 royal troops the castle was handed over without any injury’s, this left Henry in an Source W ‘unfamiliar and humiliating…
In 1559 Queen Elizabeth 1 of England passed two acts as part of the Church Settlement: The Act of Supremacy and The Act of Uniformity. With these acts she aimed to unite her countries people and avoid rebellion from each religious group. At first it seemed to have worked: The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Matthew Parker (a moderate protestant) was popular with most people; Only 250 out of 9000 priests refused to take the oath of loyalty to the new Church; the fines for recusancy were not strictly enforced and there were no serious protests or rebellions. By 1568 most people had accepted the new Church.…
In 1534 England was ruled by King Henry VIII. “He ruled for 36 years during this time he married six different wives all to gain more political power.”[1] Two of his marriages ended in annulment, two from natural deaths, and the others from beheadings. What upset a lot of people from the Church of England is the fact that he wanted to annul his first marriage without receiving approval from the pope.…
Those were the years that King Charles the 1st ruled without a parliament and Archbishop William Laud purged the Anglican Church of its Protestant members. The Protestants had long been trying to eliminate the office of bishop, these bishops composed one quarter of Parliament's upper house and the removal of this office could greatly jeopardize the Anglican Church's power. This was also a time of great economic depression and epidemics. The cities were overcrowded and poverty was everywhere. These factors, and many others, helped contribute to the migration of a great number of Puritans to the new world. The protestants held a strong belief that suffering was caused by a displeased God and that they would suffer themselves as long as they were surrounded by people who did not worship God the way they believed that he should be. The people who settled the area of Massachusetts had left Europe in the hope to create a "City on the Hill". They wanted to create an ideal religious community where there was no separation of church and state, were they could live in harmony with their beliefs. They were also searching for a place where their worship of God could go on unrepressed by the Anglican church of king Charles the…
The Pilgrimage of Grace participants were Catholics who were against the Protestant Reformation. They made armed demonstrations and protests from 1536 to 1537 against Henry VII, head of the Anglican Church, and Thomas Cromwell his Lord High Chancellor. Cromwell implemented a series of policies that included the confiscation of Catholic Church lands. The goals of these participants were to stop the Protestant Reformation and give more rights back to Catholics. They had concerns with the protestants growing more powerful and having a protestant King in Henry the VII. The goals of the Pilgrimage of Grace were to give power back to the Catholic Church in Europe and take credibility from Proestants, but instead their concerns of the Protestant Reformation overshadowed them and their goals were not reached.…
Two hundred years earlier the Puritan movement, led to the installment of Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell had temporarily overthrown the British monarchy. He imposed a strict moral code on the people. Cromwell's objective was of spiritual and moral reform. He wanted to restore liberty of conscience and promote both outward and inward godliness throughout England. Cromwell even installed a set of "triers" assess the suitability of future parish ministers, and also a set of "ejectors" to dismiss ministers and schoolmasters who were deemed unsuitable for office. After Cromwell’s death the monarchy had been restored and the two social forces of Puritanism and libertinism continued to motivate the collective psyche of Great Britain. Religious morality…
The peasants’ revolts in sixteenth century Germany were very historically significant. As such, many groups had different perspectives on the causes of the revolts as well as different responses to them. The peasants themselves cited as the cause many of the ideas brought about through the Protestant reformation: individual rights and the godliness and equality of all people. However, many nobles and government officials saw these as acts of the peasants’ own stupidity and vengeful nature. As for the response to the revolts the members of the church had widely varied responses from whole-hearted support to condemnation. The government officials responded through acts, which gave the appearance of being reasonable, but actually were not. The…
To an extent, Opposition to the religious reforms by Henry VIII wasn’t overly serious, the opposition did have some potential to cause damage but the danger was never severe enough to undermine the Tudor dynasty or threaten the omnipotent once of the “Most Christian King”. Opposition was only as serious as the support it had, which is why The Pilgrimage of Grace of 1536 was the most dangerous form of opposition. Henry ensured that disapproval from his kingdom would never threaten to undermine the longevity of the Tudor dynasty by using Cromwell’s key weapon: The Treason Act of 1534. This allowed Henry to eradicate any opposition that had potential to threaten Henry. The religious changes came to a halt in 1540, where Henry sends out a strong deterrent message by executing the architect of the religious changes, Cromwell.…
The puritans wanted to make their own religion (Collier, James Lincoln, and Christopher Collier. Chapter1. Pilgrims and Puritans. Tarrytown: Benchmark, 1998. 15. Print. The Drama of American History). The kings were persecuting the puritans. The puritans wanted to change the rules for the way the church that the king has for every one they were the smartest so the king always depended on them. Then one day the puritans wanted to change the rules for the king and so the king did not want them to change his rules of the church. The king did not want the puritans telling him what to do so he just persecuted them. The puritans got tired of being persecuted so they decided to go…
Religious pilgrimages have been the foundation of religion since the dawn of time. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer identifies an infamous character that shares his ironically moral tale along with those whom accompany him on the way to Canterbury. This particularly wretched pilgrim was the Pardoner: a most loathsome and diabolical character.…
During this period of time citizens were only able to think a certain way or they would be punished for stating their opinion. One philosopher named Rousseau wrote “ “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains,” ”(Beck,1249). In this instance he was telling the public that they do not have free will and the government is taking their rights away from them. The government censors what the public can believe as having your own ideals is dangerous to society. Many citizens were weary of the government as they were being controlled like puppets. They had to attend church and listen to “...church teaching and authority”(Beck,1237). These policies were enforced so the people would not question the teaching of the church as they would not have any knowledge of outside ideals by doing so. The government tried to control every aspect of what they knew, but by doing so scientists and philosophers questioned the work of society. Government tried to bury their ideals by punishment, yet society found a way to move forward with these banned ideals. With these ideals in hand people found away to believe them, even though the government strongly distressed with them. People found a voice in themselves to rise up and not be controlled anymore. Conflict was dealt with as a result of the people having their own opinion. In…
Henry had taken advantage of the Protestant Reformation to obtain power in the Church of England. While the English Reformation had practically banned the Catholic Church, it also stated that the king was the only leader of the church. Elizabeth I pushed for intense Catholicism and Puritanism in the English church. While in opposition of Elisabeth I, James I and Charles I moved the English church away from puritan ideals, Charles I. revoked the Puritan represented parliament, and Charles also enforced anti-puritan policies. The monarchy once had thought of puritans as a focal point in New England, but latter on they pushed away Puritanism and treated puritans harshly which had upset many of those puritans to make plans to immigrate to either the West Indies, America, or Europe (Roark,…
Parliament had ignored whatever the colonies said which made more and more tension between them. The colonists were enraged because they thought they shouldn't have to pay for something that had been free for many years. The colonists proclaimed that Parliament did not have any right to tax the colonies. Even though the stamp was not very much to pay, the colonist still refused. The purpose of the Stamp Act was not only to raise the revenue to pay the debt from the war, but to claim the British governmental dominance over American Colonies. Luckily, The Stamp Act did get repealed after all that. The colonists raged with hatred. First they started with the Stamp Act Congress. The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting held from October 7-25. The intention of the Congress was to come up with responses to the Stamp Act passed initially that year (Doc. 1). Since the Stamp Act upset the colonists, they wrote the Declaration of Rights and sent it to the king and Parliament (Doc. 1). In addition the colonists did much more than form the Stamp Act Congress. For example, the…
When Chaucer was young, the plague was sweeping across Europe executing a vast amount of the population, later through his life, the Church was in turmoil; caught between deception and unpredictability, and the Hundred Years War between England and France was taking place. Chaucer’s writing in The Canterbury Tales”, consisted of a fragment of each of England’s stereotypical citizen. Through the prologue, notable figures of the church are introduced; a nun, monk, and friar. Some of these characters hold strict worship to Christ, while others overtly disobey the laws of Christianity. Chaucer appealed to the nun by the way she ate; “she never let a crumb from her mouth fall” (pg 323), portraying her character as obedient, respectful, and well-manned. The monk was very strict in his belief, Chaucer mentions the monk, “let old precepts slide…took the modern practice as his guide” (pg 327), illustrating that he takes pride in what he believes in. Furthermore, Chaucer portrays the character of the friar as a beggar. In the text, Chaucer mentions that the friar is qualified to listen to confession but they will beg and convince you that instead of confessing, you could give them money (pg 329). The picture that Chaucer is portraying with these three characters signify his expression to voice is opinion of what the Church people were becoming during his…