Quasi War (175)- An undeclared war caused by the XYZ Affair, which was caused by Prince Talleyrand of France trying to make Pinckney of America bribe them and give them a loan. French ships had been capturing American ships. As a result, President Adams created the Department of the Navy, and gave them money to make warships. He gave them the right to capture armed French ships. Eighty-five ships were captured by the American Navy. …show more content…
But the federal government did not leave settlement of the so-called Whiskey Rebellion to Pennsylvania, as the Confederation Congress had left Shay’s Rebellion to Massachusetts. At Hamilton’s urging, Washington called out the militias of three states, raised an army of nearly 15,000, and personally led the troops into Pennsylvania. As the militiamen approached Pittsburgh, the center of the resistance, the rebellion quickly collapsed. The federal government won the allegiance of the whiskey rebels by intimidating them. It won the loyalties of other frontier people by accepting their territories as new states in the Union. The last of the original thirteen colonies joined the Union once the Bill of Rights had been appended to the