Enbridge, the world leader in crude oil pipelines, proposed a pipeline running from a tar sand oil plant in Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia. If passed, this pipeline will ship hundreds of barrels of oil a day to a port in Kitimat, where the majority will be shipped to Asia. Enbridge claims that there will be large economic benefits (jobs), especially local. However, there a many risks, economical, environmentally, and negative health effects such as weakness, seizures, and possibly cancer.1 Enbridge still hopes to get approval even though there is a wall of opposition, especially from locals. Gil McGowan, President of AFL says “The pipeline will create environmental destruction, take potential upgrading and refining jobs away from Canadians, and put our country's energy security at risk.” 3 The Northern Gateway Pipeline risks greatly outway the benefits. The NGP is too risky and should not be built.
Firstly, Enbridge claims that risk of an accident and/a spill is “minimal” and there is nothing to worry about. However, many say elsewise. According to www.pipeupagainstenbridge.ca, “the construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline alone would cross over 800 streams and rivers alone. . .” This includes sensitive salmon spawning ground, a large local resource as well as tourist attraction. Additionally http://www.globalnews.ca states that, “4 million hectares of Canada’s Boreal Forest are under threat of being clearcut.” This is includes the Great Bear forest, “one of the largest remaining tracts of rainforest in the world.” Among its diverse plant and animal life lives the extremely rare and elusive “spirit bear” a subspecies of the American Black Bear. This stretch of forest is the only place on earth known to be home to this creature. Scientists at Greenpeace Canada and the council of Canadians claim that “the tarsands produce excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, diminish air quality, destroy natural habitats