This is the theory in which “criminality is learned from observations of definitions favorable to law violation. Basically, criminal behavior is a factor of socialization, meaning that these prisoners exhibit criminal behaviors because of the learned interactions with criminals and criminal activity. This theory is emphasis interactions with groups in prison and learning different beliefs about their behaviors. Woman in prison learn motives and techniques for specific behaviors, depending on with whom they interact- their differential associations. A prison groups may differ in whether they view a behavior as deviant or not. This theory suggest that people in prison act deviant when they feel encouraging about violating norms then adhering to them. These prison woman use the “neutralizing beliefs” to reduce the apparent disapproval of the deviant behavior. In this show you definitely see the modification of differential association’s theory with regards to the positive and negative reinforcements that influence the gaining of …show more content…
Group cohesion in this prison is the extent to which its prisoners desire to remain in it and resist leaving it. There are a few segregated groups in this prison show, you have the Latino’s, blacks, white racists group, and the left over group, a group that is not based on ethnicity. These women in these groups will not leave their groups due to their desire to belong, and that have the ‘we” feeling. These groups maintain loyalty and commitment. These group have social cohesion if its prisoners stay in the group primarily because they like one another as people and desire to interact with each other. There will be greater cohesion when the prisoners of these groups have similar education, ethnicity, status, and attitudes. Task cohesion is another factor that is a part of the prison group that has the high task cohesion, its members remain together because they are heavily involved with the prisons group’s task. These prisoners find the group’s task valuable, interesting, and