PEriod 4
Making Connections:
The Bureaucracy of Pizza
Directions: Your team’s task is to take each component part of a home delivered pizza and brainstorm the federal agencies and departments that would regulate it in some way. You must also provide a brief rationale for each example. NOTE: There may be multiple agencies/departments for each part.
Cardboard Box
The CPG regulates the sale and commission of recycled material. In this case, cardboard.
Tomato Sauce
The department of agriculture uses a score sheet to make sure that every tomato no color, odor, or flavor defects.
The USDA makes sure that the crust is sold the way it is advertised. For example, if a merchant says that their crust contains whole wheat, the USDA demands that it is
51% whole wheat.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the moisture content, fat content, and type of milk used in the cheese.
The FDA requires that any mushrooms picked from the wild must be individually examined by a mushroom identification expert to ensure they are safe to eat.
The USDA recommends that anchovies not be shipped in glass containers, as they can break easily.
The USDA tightly controls the importation of processed beef, used in the production of pepperoni, from countries with known incidences of mad cow disease. Onions
Department of Agriculture: Agricultural
Marketing Service. AMS help buyers and sellers market their perishable products (like onions) through distribution channels. AMS partners with State agencies to benefit growers, shippers, brokers, receivers, processors and the foodservice industry.
Delivery Car
The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) sets standards for fuel efficiency and pollution emission for cars and trucks.
Diet Soda
The Food and Drug Association (FDA) controls the ingredients that go into carbonated drinks. Aspartame is used in