I flipped over and I broke free from captivity. The IV that was in my arm was dry when I took it out. I headed past the hellish mirror and walked out of some double doors. They knew I was coming. They had men lined in front of the gate of this prison with guns. They opened fire on me but the hellfire which was brought upon me did nothing to me. I lashed my way thru the waves of men laving a path of Death as I walked. I made out of the front gate. “Sa lok fer min dovah los por loch” The sun turned red. “For the chant I have bestowed upon this ground will bring an army of demons unto this world to wreak havoc” The air was filled with winged creatures coming from the clouds. They brought death and destruction. The men of Earth assembled armies, to no avail, were defeated. Except for the few with pureness of heart lived. This world is to start anew and bring peace among the
I flipped over and I broke free from captivity. The IV that was in my arm was dry when I took it out. I headed past the hellish mirror and walked out of some double doors. They knew I was coming. They had men lined in front of the gate of this prison with guns. They opened fire on me but the hellfire which was brought upon me did nothing to me. I lashed my way thru the waves of men laving a path of Death as I walked. I made out of the front gate. “Sa lok fer min dovah los por loch” The sun turned red. “For the chant I have bestowed upon this ground will bring an army of demons unto this world to wreak havoc” The air was filled with winged creatures coming from the clouds. They brought death and destruction. The men of Earth assembled armies, to no avail, were defeated. Except for the few with pureness of heart lived. This world is to start anew and bring peace among the