Part I: A Response to the Novel
A. Plot Summary The novel begins with the introduction of the small town Ridgewood in New York. The town’s smooth daily procedure is disrupted when Bran Slocum, a unique looking individual, moves into the town. The town doesn’t accept him because of his looks and the way acts, but the town soon finds that he is the son of Joseph Collier, a serial killer from New Jersey. Many members of the town proceed to fear Bran, wondering if he will become a “Bad Seed” from his dad. The people go to all means necessary to hurt, tease, and make Bran leave. Rallies are started around the school trying to rid the town of this supposedly “bad seed.” The football team starts a mob out front of his house, vandalizes Bran’s things, and start a bonfire in his yard. In the end, Bran wants to be alone so he goes to the quarry, Molly and David go to find him, and realize that Nick Bruno’s car is there. Through a fight with Molly, David, Bran against 3 football players, Bran, Nick, and Gordan die. They fall off the edge of the quarry wall into the pond, and drown. The town is thrown into a sad state with the loss of 2 star football players. Bran is forgotten by most of the town, and his father is sentenced to death for the crimes he committed.
B. Main Characters
David Watkins - David is the main character, whose perspective the book is written from. A cross country runner who is only doing cross country to be in a sport so Kristen, his cheerleader girlfriend, will like him more. Because of his strong friendship with Molly Pepper, David befriends Bran. He is tall and very thin.
Molly Pepper - An unattractive girl who is nicknamed Goblin Girl because of her looks. She is a kind hearted girl who wants to help the underdogs and those who are down and out if it is possible. She becomes Bran’s most legitimate friend. She has black hair is short and slightly pudgy.
Bran Slocum - Joseph Collier, a serial killer