
Plan B Morning After Pill: A Case Study

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As a teen, we make quick and rash decisions without thinking about the consequences; sex being one of the big ones. Teens do not think about the repercussions. To minors, they just think if they mess up, they can just take the morning after pill within 72 hours and all their worries will be washed away. Plan B promotes carelessness with unsafe sex which can lead to a female having some form of an STD, a baby if the pill fails, and left to deal with the hormonal side effects. Acted too quickly, and had unprotected sex? No worries, right? Just take the Plan B morning after pill and all your problems will be solved, or so you thought. It’s all just fun and games until someone gets an STD. 5.2 million women used Plan B- Emergency contraceptive in the years 2006-2008, this percentage of use was raised by 10% since 2002 (Habel M). About 8.3 percent of women who took the emergency contraceptive were ages 15-19 (Habel M). Overall, 15.7% of the 5.2 million women who took the Plan B, also tested positive to having an STD (Habel M). Just keep in mind too, those are only the ones who admitted to having it, some may not even know they have it yet! …show more content…

About 37% of which either the age eighteen or younger (Shohel). Obviously since the Plan B failed these young women were left pregnant, not facing a choice that will affect them the rest of their lives. Do they keep the baby or do they not? If they were safer and better prepared they would have taken the precaution and been on birth control and used a condom, or remained abstinent. Plan B is an easy way out for minors, if they make a mistake they just believe all the damage can be erased by taking the pill. They don’t realize until it is to late how much damage can be caused by having

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