Sarah Owens
What will this feedback cover?
• Understand the question and the requirements • How should it be structured?
• What should your essay include?
• What should it not include?
• How to analyse case examples?
• The importance of the conclusion.
• Demystifying the language
• What about other forms of strategy?
• Final tips for achieving a distinction
The Assignment
• Critically evaluate the extent to which rational strategic planning offers a “one best way” to form strategy. Your answer should draw on relevant organisational examples to illustrate your answer.
• With reference to academic literature on the development of the field of strategy, illustrated with brief organisational examples, critically evaluate the extent to which this strategic management approach is appropriate to contemporary business. Your review should include other forms of strategy making.
• Plan with one side of A4
• Essay 2500 words deadline 26th March
• Font 12 and 1.5 line spaced
• Guideline of 17 academic references APA
6th style
• APA Referencing Short guide:
• APA Referencing Long Guide:
• Library support pages for students are also available at: How were the marks awarded for the plan? • Marks were awarded for showing a relevant structure of what you will include at each stage of the ESSAY (some of you seem to be following a report structure e.g. table of contents points 1.1., 1.2 etc. this is not needed. You can use headings if that helps you but you must write in paragraphs (not bullet points). Marks were not deducted at the plan stage but will be for the essay.
• Marks were awarded for the relevance of the areas you will discuss – more marks were given for more detail
• Marks were awarded for referencing
• Marks were awarded for completing on one page
• Use third person (marks were not deducted in the plan but will be in the final essay if this