ID: 2652124
English VIII
Ailed Solís Olmos
Module: 2.
Living in a Multicultural Society.
Activity: Topic 5.
Unfavored and Favored View
Date: 20/2/14
Pakenham, K.E. (1998). Making Connections High Intermediate. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
• Learn how to present two different views on an issue.
• Improve your academic reading.
-Read the article " THE AGE OF IMMIGRATION" page 63 from your book.
-Read the complete article and write from 2 to 3 paragraphs giving your opinion about the topic and the reading.
-Hand this as a report.
European inmigration to the United States has been continuos since 1607, thirty two million inmigrants came to the United States from all over Europe between 1820 and 1920.
Inmigrants had a number of different reasons for wanting to leave home, some people were escaping from political oppression in their homelands.
Difficult economic conditions in their native contry were the main reason why europeans decide to move to the United States, Nineteenth century Europe was a continent in economic transition.
This transition created unemployement and poverty for masses of people.
In spite of their differences, the great majority of immigrants were young and ready to make sacrifices for a better future.
In the United States the lives of many immigrants were very difficult, they left home with Little more tan a suitcase to carry possessions. They suffered widespread discrimination.
Immigrants families spoke english as their first language this was necessary for their economic progress and to be a complete American.
The second and third generations of immigrants families thought of themselves as Americans.
This article is very important to understand the diversity of cultures and people in the United States to finish this report I would ended with this phrase of the article that in my point of view explain all this movement.
“You had the king´s army, and we only had a bunch of farmers, but we beat you anyway”
Bibliography: Pakenham, K.E. (1998). Making Connections High Intermediate. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.