The yellow, flowey dust suffocates the planet. The dust has a smooth and silkiness to it. The dust looks more yellow than a banana though. Planet Buzz has sixteen moons orbiting and rotating around the planet in a non-stop manor. The sixteen moons are each have their own special, spectacular color. When looking up at the sky, you see a rainbow of moons. My house on Planet Buzz is underground. Houses cannot exist on the surface of the planet since the yellow, flowery dust will slowly corrode a house. My house consists of three different tunnels underneath the planet. The first tunnel is noticeable as soon as you climb into my house. The first tunnel is to the left of where you would climb into. After traveling a few feet into in the first tunnel, you would come across my bedroom. The bedroom consists of a bed of leaves. To the right of those leaves, you would see a closet carved into the solid bedrock. The second tunnel is underneath the bedroom. In the closet, there is a manhole that covers the second tunnel. The manhole is the entrance to the second tunnel. The second tunnel goes into the kitchen. When arriving at the kitchen, to the left would be a gigantic pantry that stores my surplus food. On top of the ceiling, you would see a whole colony of bees. The bees are kept for
The yellow, flowey dust suffocates the planet. The dust has a smooth and silkiness to it. The dust looks more yellow than a banana though. Planet Buzz has sixteen moons orbiting and rotating around the planet in a non-stop manor. The sixteen moons are each have their own special, spectacular color. When looking up at the sky, you see a rainbow of moons. My house on Planet Buzz is underground. Houses cannot exist on the surface of the planet since the yellow, flowery dust will slowly corrode a house. My house consists of three different tunnels underneath the planet. The first tunnel is noticeable as soon as you climb into my house. The first tunnel is to the left of where you would climb into. After traveling a few feet into in the first tunnel, you would come across my bedroom. The bedroom consists of a bed of leaves. To the right of those leaves, you would see a closet carved into the solid bedrock. The second tunnel is underneath the bedroom. In the closet, there is a manhole that covers the second tunnel. The manhole is the entrance to the second tunnel. The second tunnel goes into the kitchen. When arriving at the kitchen, to the left would be a gigantic pantry that stores my surplus food. On top of the ceiling, you would see a whole colony of bees. The bees are kept for