Marwan Soliman
Noha Abdel Fayad
Hadil Abdel Fayad
May Abdeen
Table of Contents Company Background 2 Mission Statement 2 Company History: 2 Situation Analysis 2 Environmental Scanning: 2 Macro environmental Forces: 2 Micro environmental Forces 2 Competitive Analysis: 2 SWOT Analysis: 2 Market Segmentation 2 Demographic 2 Psychographic 2 Behavioral 2 Targeting 2 Targeting Strategy 2 Problem Statement 2 Works Cited 2
Company Background
Planet Hollywood is a trademark for restaurants, bars, casinos, and resorts that was established in 1991 by its founder Robert Earl and his partners and stockholders Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone. Planet Hollywood distinguishes itself with the unique experience it offers its customers from gaming and live entertainment at the Hollywood themed venues. The focus of this marketing plan is the Planet Hollywood restaurants that resemble the Hollywood inspiration with its wide collection of Hollywood props and souvenirs from top rated movies and TV shows that decorate the place and the wide collection of items available for sale. Planet Hollywood strives to act as a creator and developer of consumer brands that take advantage of the universal appeal of movies, sports, and other entertainment-based themes The unforgettable dining experience at Planet Hollywood is completed with its delicious diverse menu of salads, burgers, and much more. Currently, Planet Hollywood has sixteen branches all over the world at which three of these are located in the Middle East (Dubai, Reyadh, and Kuwait).
Mission Statement
“Planet Hollywood International Inc. is a guest-driven company committed to providing [its] guests with an exciting inside look at Hollywood, combining with exceptional food, outstanding merchandise and uncompromising service in every one of [its] restaurants. [It] recognize that [its] success is
Cited: (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2011, from AMEinfo.com The ultimate Middle East business resource: www.ameinfo.com FUNDINGUNIVERSE Hard Rock. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2011, from Hard Rock History: http://www.hardrock.com/Corporate/ market segmentation - psychographic segmentation Planet Hollywood International, I. (2006, July 6). The PH Insider. Retrieved October 27, 2011, from http://www.planethollywoodintl.com/privacy.php PLANNING: MARKETING STRATEGY AND PLANNING Population. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2011, from Egypt State Information Service: http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/LastPage.aspx?Category_ID=19 Restaurants [ 11 ]. [ (Restaurants, 2010) ] [ 12 ]