The Earth:
The earth is the fifth largest planet of the solar system. The life is possible on the earth because its gravity is sufficient to hold atmosphere and best conditions for sustaining life. It contains a large amount of water in the form of oceans. 71% parts of the total area is covered with water and the remaining 29% is covered with land. The temperature of the centre of the earth is 2000° C. The circumference of the earth is 40,000 km. The earth completes one rotation around its axis in 24 hours. The earth completes one revolution around the sun in 365.26 days. The earth has only one natural satellite (moon). The age of the earth is determined by uranium process (Radioactive process).
The Mercury:
The Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. It is the eighth largest planet of the solar system. It takes only 88 earth's days to complete one rotation. Its diameter is 4880 kilometer. It is 57.6 million kilometer away from the sun. Its gravitational force is about 3/8 the earth's gravitational force.
The Mars:
The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. The Mars is the neighboring planet of the earth. The barren land on the Mars appears reddish in colour, so it is also called a red planet. It has summer and winter seasons. It takes 687 earth's days to complete one revolution. It has two satellites named Photos and Demos.
The Jupiter:
The Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system. One Jupiter day 10 earth hours. It is the fifth planet from the sun. The maximum temperature In the core of the Jupiter is 25000 c. There is a great red spot in the Jupiter This planet has 16 satellites. Ganimad, Europa, Olamplia and Kalistoayo are the main satellites of this planet.
The Saturn:
Saturn is the planet which comes next to the Jupiter in size. This Is the sixth planet from the sun. It looks like yellow star, so it is also known as yellow planet. This planet has the maximum satellites. Titan is the largest satellite of this planet. The Titan satellite has gravitational pull and atmosphere both. Mainly Hydrogen and Helium gases are found on this planet. A ring Is found around this planet.
The Uranus:
This is the seventh planet from the sun. This is the third planet in size. Unlike other planets it revolves from east to west. This planet has 15 satellites. Ariel, Ambries, Titenla, Miranda, Oberan are the main satellites of the Uranus.
The Neptune:
This is the eighth planet from the sun. This is the fourth largest planet of the solar system. It appears light yellow in colour. It has eight satellites.
The Venus
The venus is second planet from the sun. The venus is the earth nearest neighbour. This is the fifth largest planet. This the brightest planetThis is called morning stat as well as evening star. The size of the venus matches with the earth so it called earth's. The venus is the hottest planet.