b. job description
c. skills and knowledge audits
d. analysis of, for example: peer review, observation reports, self assessment, course tutorials and learners; ongoing action plans for CPPD; records of CPPD; growth and development of skills, knowledge and experience whilst on the programme by using their reflective learning journal (RLJ)
Job description for Teachers
General purpose
To plan, organize and implement an appropriate instructional program in a learning environment that guides and encourages students to develop and fulfill their academic potential.
Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences; develop schemes of work and lesson plans; establish and communicate clear objectives for all learning activities ;prepare classroom for class activities ;provide a variety of learning materials and resources for use in educational activities; identify and select different instructional resources and methods to meet students' varying needs ; instruct and monitor students in the use of learning materials and equipment; use relevant technology to support instruction; observe and evaluate student's performance and development; assign and grade class work, homework, tests and assignments; provide appropriate feedback on work; encourage and monitor the progress of individual students; maintain accurate and complete records of students' progress and development; update all necessary records accurately and completely as required by laws, district policies and school regulations ; prepare required reports on students and activities ; manage student behaviour in the classroom by establishing and enforcing rules and procedures ;maintain discipline in accordance with the rules and disciplinary systems of the school; apply appropriate
References: Armitage, A. et al., 2007 Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education. 3rded. McGraw Hill: Open University Press Curzon, L.B., 1997 Teaching in Further Education Jenkyn Jones, S., 2002 Fashion Design. Laurence King Publishing Petty, G., 2009 Teaching Today: A Practical Guide Business Education Publishers Scales, P., 2008 Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector McGraw Hill: OpenUniversity Press Schon, 2009 http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-schon.htm Svinicki, M, D & Dixon, N, M., 1987 The Kolb Model Modified for Classroom Activities College Teaching Volume 4 Teachernet, 2009 http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/ictis/