Level 4 theory assessment
I was required to research the following in order produce a written rationale. 1. Negotiating with learner. The initial assessment, agreeing goals & actions. 2. Inclusive learning. The use of different delivery methods, resources and adapting session plans. 3. Integrating functional skills into your subject area. 4. Communication.
I was also required to research the Inclusive learning topic in more depth in order to deliver a 15 minute presentation to a group:
In order to research these subjects I used reference books and the Internet.
“Done well, initial assessment sets the scene for a successful and productive relationship. It provides the essential opportunity, early in the learning programme, for learner and tutor to work closely together, to look back at what has been learned or achieved in the past; to look forward to what the learner wants to achieve in the future; and to identify the steps which need to be taken, and the support required, if the learner is to attain their goal...” Adult Learning Inspectorate (2003) Initial Assessment
The initial assessment can take many forms such as an informal discussion, formal interview, or written application. The purpose would be to answer questions such as: • Why they are here. • What is their prior learning and experience. • What are their preferred learning styles.
Learning styles can be identified from theories pioneered by Flemming or Honey and Mumford.
Flemming stated that people could be grouped into preferred learning styles: • Those who learnt by seeing. • Those who learnt by hearing. • Those who learnt by reading and writing. • Those who learnt by doing. Honey & Mumford suggested that learners are a mixture of 4 styles: Activists – These are learners that like lots of activities to keep them busy. Pragmatists - These are