There are many different aspects in the planning toward a future but the first items to our success in the list are the goals in short, medium and long terms. Setting your goals means the desire to achieve the plan. However, there will be different goals depending in your present work status, age, family, and so on.
What happens if I am without job in this environment? The great challenges and fierce competition that are part of today's society urge me for planning to a better future, as the only way that can steer me to keep the objectives and follow the course towards a successful future.
Consequently, I would like to be in a managing position or at least in a technical support position were my knowledge could be enhanced and my language improved. In the other hand, those positions permit a better salary, as well superior overlook of the industry, opening a great window of new opportunities.
After setting the goals, the plan in action have three different aspects:
First of all, obtaining a college degree. Even though investment in a college degree could be a financial burden and a time consuming, the benefits definitely outweigh the costs .Second, acquiring a better Industry Overlook. The air travel industry always slows when the country is in a recession, but if you look at long-term trends, this has been a non-stop growing industry. Since not changing in the industry field, it is needed to take a better overlook of it. There are several ways to accomplish this, from social networks (like twitter), subscribing to industry news highlight emails (like smart-brief ) and even subscribing to an industry magazine of interest (like Aviation Week) in order to be updated in the trends, technologies advances and turbulences of the aerospace industry. Finally, passing an internship and increasing networking. An internship is a great alternative to finding some experience and