NAME: Karl Fitzpatrick.
Date: 16/12/15. Describe five specific situations where pest and disease control measures are required:
Vineweevil: This is an insect that attacks a wide range of plants, both indoors and outdoors, but can be especially damaging to container plants. He needs to be controlled otherwise he will kill the plant. Adult weevils eat plant leaves during spring and summer, its the grubs in autumn winter attack the roots of the plants, plants growing in containers are most at risk.
Slugs: slugs can be damaging to plants, they make small holes in plants and leaves slime trails behind them, they strip and eat seedlings, if they are not controlled plant wont survive.
Aphids: The aphid …show more content…
It has orange/brown pustules form on the undersides of the leaves and yellow spots form on the surface, if this is not controlled it will weaken the growth of the plant and it will be open to other diseases and may cause death of the plant.
Powdery Mildew: This is a fungal disease that affects fruit trees, its leaves, stems and buds are coated with a white powdery coating, if this is not controlled it can spread and infect other plants. The disease is spread by spores which can be carried in long distances by the wind so it is important to keep it under control.
Describe the cultural, chemical, biological and integrated control methods that can be used for these …show more content…
Hoeing and hand weeding:
There are the traditional methods of control and still the most appropriate on cultivated ground and around other plants.
Hoeing and hand weeding should be done regularly while the weeds are small and certainly before they seed.
Inorganic mulches like polythene and stone chippings are particularly effective at supperessing weeds. Bark is also quite good and looks attractive in the ornamental garden.
Mulching is also one of the simplest and most benefical practies you can use in the garden. Mulch is simply a protective layer of material that is spread on top of the soil.
Mulches can etheir be organic such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips and similar materials or inorganic such as stones, brick chips and plastic. Both orgainc- inorganic have numerous benifts.
Ground cover planting:
Ground cover plants can be used in the ornamental garden althrough it is importent to clear the ground of weeds before they are planted.
In the vegetable garden close spacing of plants and intercropping can reduce weeds.
Used my own notes and used the What problems – What solutions