4. Planting a cutting is a way of asexually propagating a plant. Cuttings are genetically identical to the mother plant, therefore it is a new plant but it doe not have any different genetics than the mother plant.…
Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the plant through wind, animals, insects, etc. It differs from fertilization in that fertilization is caused by pollination. Pollination also only occurs in plants whereas fertilization can occur to reproduction in all plants and animals.…
* Chose a female parent; chooses a male parent; pollen is collected from the stamens and dusted onto the female parent stigma; pollen fertilizes the eggs. The ovary develops into the pod and eggs develop into the peas; when peas are planted they develop into pea plants.…
60. a) Flowers are developed in order to reproduce and flowers help by attracting animals to pollinate. Pollen are for males, and seeds are for females. The seeds are coated with a hard outer layer to protect it and fruits are made so animals can eat them and the seeds will spread by the means of their feces. Seeds can also be dormant for a long time.…
Plant sexuality has a wide range of topics about sexual reproduction systems found across the plant kingdom. Flowers, which are the reproductive units of angiosperms, amongst all living things are physically varied the most. They also show the greatest diversity in methods of reproduction of all biological systems. The system for classifying flowering plants was proposed by Carolus Linnaeus, which is based on plant structures. Plants employ several different morphological adaptations that involve sexual reproduction. Christian Konrad Sprengel studied plant sexuality, which brought understanding to the pollination process. This process involved both biotic and abiotic…
2)Pollination occurs when pollen is trans- ferred from the male cone to the female cone. The pollen grain germinates, releasing sperm that will fertilize the egg found in the female cone.…
Plants reproduce by pollination, also called fertilization, which is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. A pollen grand produces a pollen tube. Eventually sperm will be discharged near the embryo sac and pollen develops. Products are seeds and fruits. Another way to reproduce is self-fertilization, which unfortunately is difficult for most plants due to…
All organisms need to reproduce for the continuation of their species. Otherwise, that species would die off. Just like animals, plants are characterized by sexual reproduction, with new organisms being formed from the union of sex cells. While it cannot be said that plants have separate sexes in the same way that animals do, they do form gametes just like animals. Two sperm cells are involved in the fertilization process with plants; one sperm cell combines with the egg cell and the other becomes the seed. In the process of fertilization with animals only one sperm fertilizes the female egg and it occurs in the fallopian tube of the female reproductive tract. Life for a new plant begins when it germinates from the seed. Part of the maturation occurs while in the embryonic stage, and the remainder occurs after birth and germination. Life for an animal begins when exiting the mother's womb or from an egg. In both cases, birth is experienced; however, with plants the process is called mitosis and with animals it is called meiosis. In plants gametes are not produced directly, they have an extra step in which meiosis produces spores.…
The style, which is the stalk-like part of the pistil, which is the tube that the pollen travels through to the ovule.. The ovary, containing the ovules, which are eggs that develop into seeds. Fertilization begins after pollination has happened. The ovule inside the ovary is fertilized begins to harden and form into a seed to protect the embryo until it begins to grow into a new plant. The embryo grows inside the ovule and then develops into a fruit.…
Mitosis is the division of the ______, while cytokinesis is the division of the ______.…
True breeding: When true-breeding plants self-pollinate, all their offspring are of the same variety. For example, purple flowers give rise to plants with purple flowers.…
Asexual Propagation is the process of using plant materials such as the stems, leaves, and roots to multiply the number of plants. These plants eventually grow to be a brand new plant that is genetically identical to the parent plant it came from. In several types of plants, asexual propagation is the fastest means of new plant growth. Asexual propagation is also a good way to maintain a plant species because they are genetically identical. In this process, adventitious roots are seen in the growing cycle. Adventitious roots are those that grow form parts of the plant that they normally would not grow from. The cuttings must do this in order to form a completely new plant. There are multiple methods of asexual propagation; some include cuttings, layering, division, and budding/grafting. This experiment is designed to look into the method of using cuttings for asexual propagation and the success of the plant parts. As this experiment goes on more herbaceous and succulent plants will root quicker than woody plants.…
The reproductive processes of these plants depended on water. These plants did not use seeds to reproduce; rather, they used microscopic sperm that traveled through water to fertilize a female cell.…
32. In flowering plants, there are two events that lead to reproduction. What are these two events?…
. Water serves as a means to disperse spores away from the parent, sperm swim through the water to fertilize the female egg. All of these groups of plants have life cycles that involve alternation of…