Systematie Position
Kingdom : Protista
Phylum : Protozoa
Class : Sporozoa
Genus : Plasmodium
Species : vivax
Habit s and habitat:-
Plasmodium is an intracellular sporozoan parasite causing malaria in man. The parasite lives in the RBC’s and liver cells of man and alimentary canal and salivary glands of female Anopheles mosquito.
Structure of plasmodium is different stages of its life cycle. A fully grown malarial parasite is amoeboid and uninucleated structure known as trophozoite. Trophozoite is surrounded by double layered plasma lemma. Cytoplasm contains Palade’s granules, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, mitochondria, vesicles and vacuoles having haemozoin. Cytoplasm contains nucleus having nucleolus and granular nucleoplasm.
Life Cycle of Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium completes its lifecycle in two hosts (digenetic): Man and female Anopheles mosquito.
1. Primary or definitive host:
Female Anopheles mosquito is the primary host of Plasmodium in which it completes its sexual life cycle.
2. Secondary or Intermediate host:
Man is the secondary host of plasmodium in which it completes its asexual life cycle.
The lifecycle of Plasmodium can be divided into three phases:
1. Asexual sehizogony
2. Sexual gamogony
3. Asexual sporogony
Infective form of Plasmodium is known as sporozoites. Sporozoites are 11-12µ long slender, uni-nucleated. Sickle-shaped structure present in the salivary glands of infected mosquito. When an infected female Anopheles mosquito bites a healthy man, a large number of sporozoites enter into the blood stream of man. Within half an hour, sporozoites enter the liver cells and undergo asexual multiplication called schizogony.
1. Asexual Schizogony:-
Schizogony is the asexual phase of reproduction of Plasmodium. It takes place in liver cells and RBC’s of man.