Written by: Erica Duncan
Science 256
Professor Elizabeth Stevens
Pollution Caused By Plastic Bags
Plastic bags are one among many items that do not decay or professional terms non-degradable. Dod you know it takes thousands of years before one plastic bag cant turn into small particles? Yew, that is a long time for plastic bags to vanish from earth. Many people don't understand how seriously something as simple as plastic bags affect us, earth and our health. When plastic bags are scattered everywhere on the ground they becone sources of water pollutuon, which will eventually end up in our waterways causing blockage and gives a much inconvenient situation to the society; so jystvfrom a couple of bags can cause a lot of damage to society. You tell me, have you ever seen plastic floating in your water? Well guess what that comes from not properly disposing your plastic bags.
Harmful to the environment Plastic bags are made of various chemicals which are mainly toxic. These chemicals are certainly harmful to the health and the environment. The chemicals used to make tgese plastic bags are toxics that are sources of various diseases and disorders in humans such as xylene, ethylene oxide, and benzene. They also have negative effects on the air, livibg organisms (plants) and water. There are two major methods that release the toxic chemicals in the plastic bags which are burning and throwing. Many people, im pretty sure have thrown plastic bags out the window, in regular trash or just let it go outside not realizing that when they do these things their releasing these very harmful chemicals into the air causing harm to the society. Another thing regarding throwing the bags on the ground, animals and birds may mistakenly think they're food causing poisob after being consumed. Now when burning plastic bags the chemicals in them are exposed for humans to inhale them causing