|Plate Tectonics Press Release |
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|Samantha Crofford |
|Jacqueline Powell |
|GLG/101 |
|9/6/2013 |
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Hello, my name is Samantha Crofford and I am the Director of Earthquake Preparedness for Los Angeles. I have been assigned to educate you, the public, on earthquake preparedness. Today I will discuss the hazards associated with earthquakes in Los Angeles, the origin and causes of earthquakes, the relation of earthquakes t plate tectonics and faults in Los Angeles, historical disasters associated with past earthquakes and the potential of future earthquake events.
“Los Angeles is prone to 13 to 16 possible federally-identified natural and man-made threats. The Federal Emergency Management Agency places California in the “very high risk” category
References: County of Los Angeles. (n.d.). Historical Disaster Information. Retrieved September 5, 2013, from L.A. County : http://lacoa.org/historicalinfo.htm Earthquakes. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2013, from Oracle ThinkQuest: http://library.thinkquest.org/10136/earthquk/earttq.htm Emergency Management Department. (n.d.). LA Emergencies and Threats. Retrieved September 5, 2013, from City Of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department: http://emergency.lacity.org/EmergencyCheckList/LAEmergenciesThreats/index.htm Livescience Staff. (2005, March 27). Deadliest Earthquakes in History. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from LiveScience: http://www.livescience.com/6932-deadliest-earthquakes-history.html Plate Tectonics. (2007). Retrieved September 6, 2013, from Arjuna Multimedia: http://www.indiana.edu/~g103/plate/plate2.html Tulane University. (2013, August 28). Retrieved September 6, 2013, from Earthquake Hazards and Risks: http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/Natural_Disasters/eqhazards&risks.htm Wager, C. (2010, July 4). The big one: California 's future earthquake probabilities. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from Digital Journal: http://digitaljournal.com/article/294234