In Chapter 1, the author assesses the unique and eternal achievements of 5th century BCE Athenian culture. She introduces several basic dichotomies that define her understanding of the writers and events of the period in the later chapters.…
Alcibiades was quite arrogant. He had reason to be. He was smart, handsome, and was from a good family. Along with being arrogant, he was also vain, selfish, and extravagant. His lifestyle was very different from his mentor, Socrates, whom he admired.…
Instead of standing trial, he ran away and was condemned to death because of this. To avoid death, Alcibiades joined the Spartans as a military advisor and contributed very much to their advantage. Nevertheless, Alcibiades fell out of Sparta’s good graces after the retirement of his ally Endius. After a near-death experience in Sparta as well, Alcibiades fled to Persia and began making policy suggestions to Thucydides regarding the Persian court. However, Alcibiades secretly longed to return to Athens so he negotiated with the Athenian leaders for a long time and eventually returned, bringing Persian money and warships with…
1. Knowing that Aristophane's speech was part of a series of other speeches but in a much more friendly competition didn't quite affect my understanding of the words. I knew he was considered evil by Plato because he“...viciously satirized Socrates as manipulative...and an...impractical teacher who taught students to circumvent the law”(Plato 89). Although this occurred, in this passage Aristophane came off as a smart man to me. He somehow helped me feel what the creatures felt in the days when they were separated from their partner. I believe that if Aristophane wrote this passage as a philosophical essay, he would have explained it in a much more detailed manner and less friendly.…
His distinction differed completely from what the Greeks and Romans had previously believed in. Augustine had a much more morbid view on the nature of the human body. Augustine believed that the body was the gateway to sin. It is made up of evil, while the soul is made up of the light. This stemmed from the idea of Manichean Dualism that Augustine practiced, which is that a person has both good and bad as a part of them. On the other hand, there are the views of the Greeks and Romans. The Greeks believed the body acted as the cage for the soul. After death, that cage would be opened and the soul would change form into something we humans do not know of. Also, the Romans believed that both the body and the soul transformed into heavenly glory. Augustine’s view and the Greeks and Roman’s views ultimately clashed in how they viewed the good and the bad within the body and…
In Thucydides’ On Justice, Power, and Human Nature, Alcibiades proves himself to be a persuasive orator. He capitalizes on his mastery of Athenian rhetoric by using his oration skills to sway the Athenian masses in favor of embarking on the Sicilian expedition. Additionally, he utilizes his skills to persuade the Spartans to accept and trust him even though he had just betrayed Athens. Alcibiades is able to manipulate both the Athenians and Spartans; two different cultures with opposing stances on the value of sophistry, into supporting him by using his grasp of Athenian rhetoric to transform his weak arguments into persuasive speeches. His ability to dupe both the Athenians and Spartans using appeals to logos suggests that the Spartans and…
The betrayal by Alcibiades is foreshadowed by the accusations of defacing statues of Hermes (Thucydides, Book VI, chapter XVIII). This is one of the numerous examples of how throughout the document, especially in the speeches, Thucydides’ language reveals the motives of key participants. Alcibiades is portrayed as an egotistical antagonist as demonstrated by this description, “By far the warmest advocate of the expedition was, however, Alcibiades, son of Clinias, who wished to thwart Nicias both as his political opponent and also because of the attack he had made upon him in his speech, and who was, besides, exceedingly ambitious of a command by which he hoped to reduce Sicily and Carthage, and personally to gain in wealth and reputation by means of his successes,” (Thucydides, Book VI, chapter XVIII). While, Nicias is the virtuous protagonist, “This or the like was the cause of the death of a man who, of all the Hellenes in my time, least deserved such a fate, seeing that the whole course of his life had been regulated with strict attention to virtue,” (Thucydides, Book VII, chapter…
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]…
For these two articles that we read in Crito and Apology by Plato, we could know Socrates is an enduring person with imagination, because he presents us with a mass of contradictions: Most eloquent men, yet he never wrote a word; ugliest yet most profoundly attractive; ignorant yet wise; wrongfully convicted, yet unwilling to avoid his unjust execution. Behind these conundrums is a contradiction less often explored: Socrates is at once the most Athenian, most local, citizenly, and patriotic of philosophers; and yet the most self-regarding of Athenians. Exploring that contradiction, between ¡§Socrates the loyal Athenian citizen¡¨ and ¡§Socrates the philosophical critic of Athenian society,¡¨ will help to position Plato¡¦s Socrates in an Athenian legal and historical context; it allows us to reunite Socrates the literary character and Athens the democratic city that tried and executed him. Moreover, those help us to understand Plato¡¦s presentation of the strange legal and ethical drama.…
The Symposium (c. 385-370 BCE) is widely regarded as one of Plato’s greatest philosophical and stylistic triumphs. The dialogue recounts a drinking party in the house of Agathon at which Socrates and a number of other prominent Athenian citizens deliver speeches in praise of Eros (Love). Our assigned section begins just after the end of Agathon’s speech, in which the young Sophist heaped lavish praise on Love for his youth and beauty. Socrates addresses the gathering and disputes Agathon’s account, laying out his own vision of Love as the desire for the eternal possession of the good, a bridge between man and the divine.…
The central ideas that two great philosophers, Plato and Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about were the reality and appearance; and what they mainly focused on is where we as humans stand between these two. Of course, regarding the fact that Plato and Nietzsche lived in different time periods, they had their differences that conflict with each other’s theories. But they do have something to agree upon; they both argue that humans live in an illusory world of our own that we think is reality when we actually are not. One important idea they disagree on is their concepts on what is reality and what is truth. Plato’s theory is mostly based on his cave allegory where he explains human’s conditions. I will explain the similarities and differences between Plato and Nietzsche through the cave allegory.…
Assignment: Plato and Augustine use memory in ways that are comparable and incomparable. What is the role or function of memory in their respective psychological writings? What are their differences? If they disagree, indicate how they would criticize each other’s work.…
In Plato's Symposium, a dinner party was held with the discussion of love as the focus. Everyone who attended the party gave a speech, an ode to Love. Socrates spoke last, alleging his speech was a reiteration of what Diotima had once told him. Diotima, a priestess, whom Socrates allegedly met in the past, told him of the secrets of love. Another attendee of the party, Alcibiades, was asked to make a eulogy for love as well, but instead, talked about the nature of Socrates. The nature of love, from what Alcibiades said, and the nature of Socrates turned out to be almost identical. In Plato's Symposium, Socrates represents the quintessence of love itself.…
Platonic philosophy has been firmly marked as a subject of ration; it was later considered to be the source of Western rationality. But in his later work, " Symposium ", an important philosophical aesthetics book, Plato placed a dramatic dialogue around the subjects "Love" and “Beauty.” Everyone who was invited by Agathon, the tragedian, had to give a speech in praise of Love (Eros). However, when it was Socrates’ term, he rebutted Agathon’s claim that Love is good and beautiful. At the end of Socrates’ questioning, he concluded that Love is neither beautiful nor good.…
Over the years, many have marveled and wondered at the heroic deeds of the mighty warrior Aeneas. Much hearsay and embellishment surrounds this prominent figure of Greek lore. But who resides behind the rumors? What kind of man would venture to the depths of the underworld? To find out, one can simply visit his palace in Latium. I myself journeyed there several months ago, to find out if the legends spoke true. After strolling through the gorgeous halls, the guards escorted me to the throne room, where Aeneas sat in majesty. For such a rugged warrior, he managed his wardrobe with exquisite taste. Aeneas wore an embroidered cloak of fine linen, as well as a deep blue tunic, secured by a thin gold belt. Emitting sweet, perfumed scents, his dark hair fell in silky waves around his ears. Later, one of the palace servants confided,…