The allegory of the cave applies to the way we live today as we are like the prisoners in the way that we pay attention to what we are being told in the news and on the T.V and we believe that the things we see are what life is like despite the fact that we are only being shown the things that the people in the media want us to see. Most people accept what they are being shown and believe that it is reality and accept it as the reality as that is the way they have lived for ages, like the prisoners in the cave who chose to ignore the escaped prisoner when he told them about the actual reality. The film “The Matrix” is a good example of Plato’s Cave in the way the Neo is the prisoner that is living in the world of shadows until Morpheus (the philosopher who previously escaped the cave) shows him the way out. Cypher represents the prisoners who prefer the fake reality that they used to believe and that is why he tries to go back. The Agents are the puppeteers who cast the shadows onto the wall.
To conclude, Plato’s Cave explains the way society is and how people can either choose to