To start off, Angela from the interview “Finding Her Way,” is a Korean immigrant who comes to America. In the interview, Angela says that, “I got a lot of teasing, especially on the playground.” Angela deals with this teasing by, “ignoring them and pretending like they don’t exist.” This was how Angela coped with her problems as a child. However, as Angela grew up, she realised that she wasn’t the only person who was different from everyone else. The interview says, “At one friend’s house I had matzoh ball soup …show more content…
For example, Angela was teased as a child, but she coped with this by ignoring the teasers and listening to her friends. The interview stated, “ignoring them and pretending like they don’t exist.” This is a prime example on how people who are being teased cope with their problems. As Angela grew up, she decided to join an organisation which helped promote fairness and such to stop this. People who might be disabled like Kylie can find different activities that engage them. This is what Kylie did, and she found a love for horses. The play states that riding horses feel, “Amazing. It’s only temporary, but I feel so free.” This is how people with these types of challenges can cope with their problems based off of what Kylie and Angela did to cope with their