By using video games inside a classroom, they can help motivate the students to learn. One of the jobs of a teacher is to engage all the students to participate inside the classroom. Not all students can comfortably engage in a collaborative work. John and Wheeler (2008) defined collaborative work as a ‘philosophy of interactions and personal lifestyle’ (p. 39). According to them, there is a possibility that the students who are not comfortable on working with others will not benefit much in a collaborative work compared to the students who are comfortable with it, therefore differentiation of tasks is extremely necessary for the teacher to facilitate because there is a tendency for the students who are unable or unwilling to engage in group work to not participate. The teachers can use the video games to motivate all the students to participate in the group …show more content…
Almost all of students have played at least one video game in their lives. It became a part of our lives. We only play video games because it is fun and entertaining and it helps us relive stress, but what we didn’t realize is that there is actually a benefit in playing video games. They are mainstream media, a daily method of storytelling and representation. Therefore, it is only expected for educators, investors and developers to try and build video games for school. In other words, video games are not just for leisure and entertainment, video games are also a very effective learning tool because it strengthens the skills that are necessary for students to do well in school. These skills include critical thinking skills, psychomotor skills and also their ability to translate sensory information quickly, otherwise noted as sensory integration. Video games are not just helpful to the students but also to the teachers teaching these students. Video games make their jobs easier and also, more entertaining. Despite of the popularity of video games, many critics still oppose it to be used as a medium in learning. There may be many things which video games cannot teach such as factoring polynomials or how to find the force applied in an object, but there are also plenty of things we can learn from it. We should focus on what it can do, how it can help us and how can we improve it to be more useful to