Della: What do you think, honey? It is not the most wonderful, but the most delightful tree of any Christmas any where?
Jim: Well…
Della: Yes?
Jim: It is…most original. But the fact that we couldn’t afford to buy anything. Sometimes not even enough food! And especially not Christmas gifts. I’ve worked hard and I’m earning more money now, but back then I was only making…$30 a week.
Della: Honey, don’t worry about that! Although we do not have the largest goose, or a lot of gifts, we have the most glorious tree.
(The tree falls over.)
Della: Oh my ghost!!!
Jim: Oh, no problem, my dear. I’ll set it up right now (Smile).
(Sets the tree up, steps away from it)
Jim: You see, you have a wonderful husband who can put anything to rights.
(The tree falls over again. Della laughs)
Jim: You’re laughing at me.
Della: At both of us.
Jim: And why is that?
Della: Because we work so hard for our happiness. And sometimes even against the laws of gravity.
Jim: But we are happy, laws or no laws.
(Both of them smile. Suddenly, Jim kisses on Della’s hair)
Jim: Della, you look so lovely! I love your hair. It was the first thing I noticed about you when I met you. I loved it then, and now it’s even longer and more beautiful than it was.
Della: But my hair is less valuable than your grandfather’s watch! The dearest thing you have.
Jim: However I have no chance to wear it.
Della: Oh, Jim, your watch should have a beautiful long chain and fob, so you wouldn’t have to be embarrassed about showing it off
Jim: But you are more valuable to me…than any thing…that I…own.
(Della looks at the watch. It’s 7g30 o’clock)
Della: Oh, it’s too late. You have to go to work right now.
Jim: Oh, I forget. See you later. (kissing on Della’s cheek)
Della: (coming to the house and looking out the window)
Scene 2:
Jim: (on the way to work and seeing the Christmas atmosphere on the street)
Della: Tomorrow will be Christmas! I will buy a special gift for my husband and make Jim