The short story “A Rose for Emily” is a story based on an elder woman named Mrs. Emily who particularly does not like or accept change in her life. Mrs. Emily is a very literal character who will not pay her taxes or hang numbers outside her house or on her mailbox for her address. William Faulkner’s presentation of the story and the plot structure helps to amplify the conflict between Mrs. Emily and the town. The narrator is also affected by this unique ordering of the plot. Faulkner’s choice of plot sequence gives a little bit of life to the narrator, this makes the reader feel as if they are almost a part of the story rather than being told about Mrs. Emily’s life. Faulkner is also able to give the narrator the voice of a townsperson. This allows the reader to get the full sense and perceptions of the town members.
The plot starts off with the town at her house after she dies explaining why everyone is attending her funeral not for grievance but out of respect and curiosity. The town of Jefferson wondered about Mrs. Emily and the day she died the “whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house. By putting this event first helps establish a mood for how the town feels about how Mrs. Emily this is important because later in the story it helps show how much of a nuisance she can be for the town. The choice of putting this event first in the story shows that the author is setting up the story for something even bigger at the end.
After the introduction the story skips straight to a visit from local authority coming to collect her taxes, this is where Mrs Emily starts to become a nuisance to the town. The policemen tell Mrs. Emily that her taxes are due but she simply refuses and ignores all that have to say by saying “I have no taxes in Jefferson." This part of the story also introduces her refusal to