Philadelphia PA 19103
Gayle L. McDowell
(555) 555-1212 Employment
Software Engineer, Intern
Apple Computer
Summer 2004 iChat AV
Reduced time to render the user’s buddy list by 75% by implementing prediction algorithm.
Implemented iChat integration with OS X Spotlight Search by creating tool which extracts metadata from saved chat transcripts and provides metadata to a system-wide search database.
Redesigned chat file format and implemented backwards compatibility for search.
Lead Student Ambassador
Microsoft Corporation
Fall 2003 – Spring 2005
Promoted to Lead Student Ambassador in Fall 2004; supervised 10 – 15 Student Ambassadors.
Created and taught Computer Science course, CSE 099: Software Design and Development.
Head Teaching Assistant
University of Pennsylvania
Fall 2001 – Spring 2005
Courses: Advanced Java III, Software Engineering, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science I & II.
Promoted to Head TA in Fall 2004; led weekly meetings and supervised four other TAs.
Software Design Engineer, Intern
Microsoft Corporation
Summers 2001 - 2003
Visual Studio Core (Summer 2003)
Implemented a user interface for the VS open file switcher (ctrl-tab) and extended it to tool windows.
Created service to provide gradient across VS and VS add-ins. Optimized service via caching.
Programmer Productivity Research Center (Summers 2001, 2002)
Built app to compute similarity of all methods in a code base; reduced time from O(n2) to O(n log n).
Created test case generation tool which creates random XML docs from XML Schema.
Philadelphia, PA
University of Pennsylvania
Fall 2000 – May 2005
M.S.E. in Computer and Information Science, May 2005. GPA: 3.6
B.S.E. in Computer Science Engineering with Minor in Mathematics, May 2005. In-major GPA: 3.4.
Graduate Coursework: Software Foundations; Computer Architecture; Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Comparison of Learning