The novel begins by introducing Miles Halter, an introverted kid who decides to leave his home and attends Culver Creek in Alabama, in order to seek a Great Perhaps. Starting his first year at Culver Creek High School, Chip “The Colonel”, his roommate gives Miles the nickname of “Pudge”. His acquaintances with the Colonel, Alaska Young, “The hottest girl in all of human history” and Takumi, a Japanese student with a southern accent eventually blossom into friendships, and together they make mischief (in the form of pranks, drinking and smoking cigarettes).
After the Christmas break, they plan a pre-prank on weekend warriors called “The Barn” and camp for 2 days at the barn. There, through a drinking game named Best day/Worst Day, Alaska shares with her friends for the first time that she watched her mother died when she was a child because she was too afraid to do anything. From that, Miles can finally relates what Alaska meant before when she said she failed everyone and everything in her life. Then, back to the Culver Greek, during a game of drunken truth or dare, Alaska and Miles start fooling around and kissing, and Alaska ends up telling Miles that it will be continued. Alaska then starts crying, and says that she has to leave. She tells the Colonel and Miles to take care of the Eagle for her so she can drive away to an unknown location.
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On the highway, she sees a cop car with its lights and siren on, and she plows right into the car. She dies instantly. Alaska’s death is the climax of the story. The Eagle gathers up the students to inform them of Alaska’s death. The boys were taken in shock because neither of them was expecting