Submited by: Muqadas Ghumman
Submitted to: Mame Amat-ul Rafi
Subject: Quranic View of other Religions
While Islam stresses on the unity of humanity, it also recognizes human diversity and gives valuable principles to deal with ethnic, racial and religious differences in society. This paper discusses Religious Pluralism in the light of Quran and Hadith. Islam gives rights to all citizens of Muslim state; granting them protection and allowing them to co-exist in a multi religious society giving birth to the Religious Pluralistic society.
Defining Pluralism
Religious pluralism is defined in different ways by a number of modern writers. The basic idea of the term encompasses the attitude or policy regarding the diversity of religious belief systems co existing in a society. It can be further understood as "respecting the otherness of others" and accepting the given uniqueness endowed to each one of us.
In "Defining Religious Pluralism in America: A Regional Analysis," Mark Silka states that; Religious pluralism "enables a country made up of people of different faiths to exist without sectarian warfare or the persecution of religious minorities. Understood differently in different times and places, it is a cultural construct that embodies some shared conception of how a country 's various religious communities relate to each other and to the larger nation whole."1
Base of Islamic Pluralism in the Light of Quran
Reference to Islamic views on religious pluralism is found in the Quran in a number of places. In order to understand Muslim attitudes towards other religions, a detailed study of Quranic verses is required. The most important principle Muslims have accepted and employed in reference to this issue throughout Islamic history in the light of Quran is there is no compulsion in religion. The Quran says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands outs
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