Mini Courses.............................................................................................. 2 PDU Certificate – Reporting to PMI ................................................................... 4 Contact Team ....................................................................... 5 / Mokanova Inc. has been a PMI R.E.P since March 2005 and was upgraded to Global provider in April 2006. PMI R.E.P. ID: #2193 © 2003–2010 Mokanova Inc. All rights reserved for all countries. is a trademark and service of Mokanova Inc. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, CAPM, and the R.E.P. logo are owned and registered trademarks and logo of the Project Management Institute Inc
This course includes 6 mini-courses.
Mini Courses
The 6 following mini courses from the “Project Management Professional Certification 2009” course are the mini courses you have to complete: Mini Course 1: “Project Management Framework and Initiating the Project” Mini Course 2: “Project Planning Processes” Mini Course 3: “Project Execution and Quality Management” Mini Course 4: “Project Monitoring and Control” Mini Course 5: “Project Closing” Mini Course 6: “Professional Responsibility” (Please note that this course includes additional Practice Exams, not required) Each mini Course should take you between 1 hour and 3 hours to complete. Mini Course 1 (2 hours): “Project Management Framework and Initiating the Project” includes the following 7 mini-lessons plus a Course Introduction and a Course in Review:
Project Management Basics - Project Management and Related Areas - General Management and Project Constraints - Project Management Processes - The Importance of Project Initiation - Project Selection Methods – Stakeholder Identification
Mini Course 2 (3 hours): “Project Planning Processes” includes the following 8