When you have problems with your feet or your gait, it can affect other parts of your body. You not only have a higher risk of sore feet, you could develop shin splints, knee pain, hip pain, or back pain. Your feet are very important for stabilizing your entire body, and when your body is thrown off balance, you experience pain as a result. A podiatrist is a big help when you have foot problems because the only way to know if you have a gait abnormality is to be tested. Here are some conditions your podiatrist may find that can be treated.
Legs Of Different Lengths
If one of your legs is slightly shorter than the other, then your gait will be affected. You won't support your weight properly and you might experience problems with hip and back pain since your hips might be out of alignment. This condition can be treated with special shoes or inserts that add height to the short leg. An insert or lift may be enough to balance your legs, but if not, your podiatrist can prescribe orthopedic shoes to correct the problem. One shoe will have a thicker sole than the other so your hips are brought back into …show more content…
alignment and your legs are even when you bear weight and walk.
Fallen Arches
Fallen arches or flat feet can lead to foot and ankle pain.
This condition can also lead to back pain and hip pain. When your arch isn't supported, your foot tends to roll to the inside when you walk. This places stress on your entire leg and hip. Your podiatrist can fit you with a custom shoe insert that stabilizes your heel and foot so your foot doesn't roll. The insert will also supply support to your arch so your foot is held in a more normal position. The custom orthotic is made from a mold of your foot or from a computerized model so the fit is precise. A precision fit is important for proper foot stabilization. If your foot rolling is difficult to control with a shoe insert, you may need a shoe designed to hold your heel stable while supporting the arch so your foot won't
Feet Of Different Sizes And Shapes
If it seems like you can't find shoes that are comfortable and your feet always hurt, then it's possible your feet are different sizes. It's common for one foot to be a little longer or bigger than the other. This makes it difficult to buy shoes off the shelf that fit well. Your feet might also have higher insteps than normal or be exceptionally wide. If you continue to buy shoes of the wrong size or style, you can develop all kinds of problems with your toes and feet. Shoes should have toe areas that don't squeeze your toes together. They should provide support for your ankles, heels, and arches. The shoes should also absorb shock in the areas you bear weight as you walk or run. A podiatrist can examine your gait, measure how you bear weight, and measure your feet so you can buy the best type of shoes for your individual feet. You may even need custom shoes for the most support and comfort.
These are just three common conditions a podiatrist can help with. If you're having foot discomfort or frequent pain in your back or hips, you should see a podiatrist for an evaluation and treatment. Being miserable with foot pain is no fun and the solution might be as simple as having a podiatrist fit you with the right orthotic device or custom shoes.