
Poem Analysis: Go ! By George Washington

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Poem Analysis: Go ! By George Washington
Chances are if you have ever been to school you have heard of the infamous George Washington, but which way of learning about him did you find most informative? Some will say it is easier to see visuals such as paintings for the reason that, it leaves it up to the reader to interpret the meaning. Others will say it’s easier to read the text because it provides details. Which is more effective when it comes to learning? By distinguishing the usage of auditory cues and expression, visual discrepancies and extra sensory threats, the reader will discover the detailed route is the most efficient when it comes to education.

To begin, the poem and painting describe George Washington differently using dialogue versus body language. In the poem, Washington yells “Go!” while in the painting, his proud stance and his uplifted head exert confidence as he leads his men onward into battle (Shulman line 7). When Washington shouts to his men in the poem, readers can detect he is commanding his men. Washington is encouraging his crew to keep striving for victory, although in the painting, Washington’s body language is calmer and less urgent. The more effective median is the harshness of the situation because Washington’s words have more power than
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For instance, the “Strong tide was washing hero clean” (Shulman line 2) and “A wet crew…” (Shulman line 10) gained a stronghold in the poem. By stating the conditions the crew men were in, it provides readers with a visual of men willing to sacrifice their comfort and endure a storm for their freedom. In contrast, the painting depicts Washington, as well as his men, dry and content. However, the painting bestows the impression that crew members faced no hardships, while also exhibiting triumph. Despite the fact that the painting exudes a proud perception, the poem adds a sense of determination making it overall,

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