‘After Schiller’, by Peter Porter portrays the feeling of a man who has been betrayed by love. Through these 6 stanzas the author has managed to pull the reader in and enlighten us with his knowledge of love. The author is writing in the 1st person, he takes us to a journey of his evolution as a human. It is a representation of what he has grown into.
The poem opens up with the sense of a lost love. At first glance, the structure appears to be regular with six stanzas, each stanza consisting of four lines. However, on closer reading the structure seemed a bit unique as the first letter in every line is capitalized. This makes each line significant and becomes worthy of greater attention, so that the audience could understand each line clearly. One of the main stylistic aspect that is used by the poet is the rhyme scheme. Throughout the poem the author follows the traditional rhyme scheme- A, B, A, B. For example, ‘you-to’, ‘see-tree’, these examples of the rhyme help in the process of reading this poem. It also manages to flow like a song. The title itself has a lot of meaning: ‘After Schiller’ Schiller which means Rose wine in German. Therefore the title ‘After Schiller’ means after rose wine. It is a wine that stands out from others and may not be suitable for all. Rose wine symbolizes unique love in the poem that may not be understood by everyone who read it. It is a reflective poem as Peter Porter uses Rose wine as a symbol of unique Love. As well compares his life with the space and the stars in a very poetic manner.
He describes the end of his relationship which was never expected. His statement that “Didn’t I foresee the future and you agree Love is the clumsiest of partnership” suggests that they planned a future together which was ruined all of a sudden. The poet is questioning the readers if love is the clumsiest of all. By”The clumsiest partnership” we can assume the poet uses epithets so